Major Projects
Documentation of Built Heritages
Documentation of built heritages under the Kerala Archeology Department.
Mural Painting Projects
The mural painting series at the Performance Centre of the VVID Corporation at Varkkala.
The mural paintings at the Aranmula Sree Parthasarathy Temple
The mural paintings at the Directorate of Tourism, Thiruvananthapuram
The mural renderings of Vailoppilli Poems at the Vailoppilli Samskruti Bhavan, Thiruvananthapuram.
Manveeyam Vailoppally Cultural centre
Vasthuvidya Gurukulam designed and prepared the plan and estimate of Vailoppilli Cultural Center built at Nalanda, Thiruvananthappuram, by the Government of Kerala. It is designed according the principles of the ancient architecture of Kerala. The entrance or Padippura is self explanatory as far as the traditional technology and the aesthetic sense of our traditional architecture concerned.
Padmanabhapuram Cultural Complex
The Padmanabhapuram palace of the Travancore Rajas is planned to be converted into a Heritage complex. The whole work is designed by the Gurukulam. Herbal Garden and Heritage complex are built preserving the unique nature of the palace structure. Twenty seven trees are planted here to represent the 27 stars. These trees include some rare trees too.
Heritage Documentation
State Government have initiated a Heritage Documentation project in association with Vasthuvidya Gurukulam to list out and document all heritage buildings in Kerala.
A team, which consists of Engineers, Architects and traditional architectural experts, constituted by Vasthuvidya Gurukulam, Aranmula, for the project is approved by state government. Sri. P.N. Suresh, Executive Director of Vasthuvidya Gurukulam, Aranmula is entrusted with the additional duty as the State Co-ordinator of Heritage documentation project. Vasthuvidya Gurukulam completed the listing of three districts.
GOI-UNDP Endogenous Tourism Project at Aranmula
Government of India and United Nations development programme have entrusted Vasthuvidya Gurukulamn as Nodal Agency for implementing its Endogenous Tourism Project for the promotion of tourism activities and generating income at the bottom level at Aranmula . It is the result of the identifying the indigenous tourism resources, positively exploiting them and Sustaining them for the posterity to see and enjoy the land in all its diversity and indigenous uniqueness.